An Investment in Tomorrow's America

The Americans in Wartime Experience is an important initiative for a couple of reasons.
First, we all know that war is horrific. But as terrible a reality as war is, there have been times in the course of our nation's history when standing up to a threat was the right thing to do. So we are committed to remembering and honoring all who answered America's call by self-sacrificially serving during times of conflict.
Each war has required tremendous sacrifice from a wide variety of American citizens. From those on the homefront (including those in the agricultural sector, the industrial/military complex, and families of those in the military) to all who served overseas, America's wars have touched far more lives than many may suspect.
Wherever these men and women served, they are worthy of our honor, gratitude, and respect. The Americans in Wartime Experience will honor them—and ensure that their stories will never be forgotten.
Second, we live in a day in which many decry the lack of character we see when we look in any number of directions. Ideals and values like honor in service and self-sacrifice for the greater good have seemingly fallen out of favor. These, and many others, were the ideals that motivated so many who served in the past. These are the ideals we hope to inspire.
But how can students be inspired to live out these values if they take our freedom for granted? Educators in states across America have felt pain as school systems have made civics education—and in some cases even history—less of an educational priority.
The result? Our future leaders are growing up without an understanding of—and appreciation for—the tenuous nature of our freedom. We view this as a problem. Civic education helps students to become well-informed citizens. It is mission-critical that children learn about democracy, our Constitution, and the price of freedom.
The Americans in Wartime Experience will help in that educational process.