Douglas Moore
Vietnam War
Douglas Moore served his country as a member of the United States Army during the Vietnam War. He served in country twice, the first from October 1964 to 1965 and again from August 1968 to August 1969. Doug was a medevac helicopter pilot, part of the renowned "Dust Off" units, notably serving with the 57th Medical Detachment. During his service, he flew 1,874 combat missions and evacuated 2,782 patients, often under intense enemy fire. His heroic actions earned him numerous awards, including the Distinguished Service Cross, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, and a Purple Heart. One of his most notable missions involved the evacuation of wounded soldiers under heavy enemy fire. During the mission, Doug was shot through his helmet by an enemy soldier with an AK-47. Remarkably, he only sustained minor injuries. Moore's bravery and dedication reflect the highest traditions of military service, making him one of the most decorated Vietnam-era soldiers. During our interview with him, Doug stated, "If there was a good job in combat, I had one."Back to Stories